What are we doing at The Oaktree Federation to support our staff and pupils with their mental health?


  •          We have a designated Mental Health and Well Being lead in school that is responsible for promoting wellbeing for our staff and pupils (Mrs Horan).
  •          We have designated trained Thrive Practitioners.  Mrs Filtness and Mrs Brown who regularly attend training which is disseminated to staff.  They work with individual children to support them with their mental health and emotional wellbeing.
  •          In each class we have worry boxes for pupils to share their worries with a safe adult.
  •          We have nominated school council members in each class to represent their peers and gain feedback in class assemblies.
  •          We have a range of physical lunchtime clubs and quieter lunchtime areas to promote mental health and wellbeing and support for pupils who find busy lunchtimes stressful.  Many children like to use our quiet reflective area during breaktimes.
  •          We have positive behaviour systems in place to promote positive social behaviour.  We use the therapeutic thinking approach across the federation.
  •          We have mental health and wellbeing assemblies to promote resilience and self-management.
  •          We have a Life Skills curriculum that helps pupils to build important life skills, such as learning to learn, habits of mind and the growth mindset.
  •          Our values promote supporting the development of skills and character traits such as kindness, perseverance, forgiveness, working together, respect and aspiration.
  •          We have a Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy for our school which is regularly updated.
  •          We include World Mental Health Day and Mental Health Awareness Week in the school calendar and plan activities for the whole school.
  •          We promote positive experiences such as: lunchtime games, active learning, an annual residential visit for year 5 and 6, educational day visits and after school clubs to all year groups.
  •          We celebrate our pupils’ successes by displaying their work, giving house points and  weekly recognition on our Golden Book.
  •          We are currently designing our Preventative Curriculum to ensure that it is represented in all subject areas.
  •          We have a Mental Health First Aider.
  •          Our ‘I Wonder Book’ is available for everyone to view.  It has pictures of all the exciting things that happen!