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‘I am come that they may have life,

and that they may have it more abundantly’    John Chapter 10 Verse 10 

A Warm Welcome to Firle Church of England Primary School

We are very proud of our school and strive to ensure that our children become confident individuals who experience success. Our Ofsted report (April 2017) states that ‘There is a shared vision of providing the very best for each pupil. Staff and governors are ambitious for all pupils. Parents typically appreciate the school, with one describing it as, ‘A warm, friendly, quite special little school.’

We believe in creating a learning community where the whole child develops a confidence and thirst for lifelong learning. We have high aspirations for all our children and believe in an ever changing world attributes of self-confidence, independence, problem solving, resilience and collaboration are key skills to be fostered.

Our main aim is for the children to become confident individuals who experience success and enjoy coming to school.

Rachel West
Executive Headteacher
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