Home School Agreement
Firle Church of England Primary School
Home-School Agreement
The school will:
- Encourage children to do their best at all times.
- Encourage children to take care of their surroundings and others around them.
- Inform parents of their child’s progress via reading diaries, regular meetings, end of year reports and Individual Plans where appropriate.
- Inform parents about the planned curriculum for the coming term in a newsletter.
- Inform parents promptly of any serious accidents their child may have had.
- Promote good three-way communications between teachers, parents, and children.
- Set home learning and give feedback according to the national guidelines.
- Handle complaints sensitively and respond in writing where necessary.
- Encourage parental involvement.
- Inform parents, wherever possible, about trips out of school and seek permission when the trip extends beyond school hours.
Pupils will:
- Always be polite.
- Be kind to others and not threaten or hurt anyone, even by calling names.
- Not swear or use unacceptable language.
- Respect each other’s belongings.
- Play safely and not leave the building on their own.
- Wear their school uniform with pride.
- Take responsibility for their own actions.
- Talk to a member of staff if they are worried or upset about anything.
- Bring the correct uniform, PE kit, swimming kit and equipment for school.
The Family will:
- Ensure children arrive promptly for 8.45am registration and are collected at 3.15pm or at the end of after-school clubs.
- Make sure children attend daily and provide a note of explanation when they are absent.
- Ensure home learning is done on time.
- Attend parent/teacher consultation meetings.
- Inform the school if circumstances at home might affect a child’s behaviour- e.g. one parent away for an extended period or a bereavement.
- Support the children in having the correct uniform, PE kit and equipment for school.
- Hear their children read regularly and fill in the reading record.
Together we will:
- Create a safe, supportive and happy environment for everyone.
- Support children’s learning and help them to achieve their best.
- Encourage courtesy and good behaviour. PTO
Particular information
As part of the curriculum the children access the internet under our supervision and with the protection of East Sussex County Council Firewall. Children promise not to try and access unacceptable sites and to inform staff immediately of any problems. Parents should inform the school if they do not want their children using the internet.
On occasion we take photos of the children for use in school and for promotional purposes such as use on the school website, prospectus and in the local press. The children are never identified by name on any publicity material. Parents should inform the school if they do not want their child’s photo taken and should explain this to their child. These photographs may be used beyond your child’s time at the school.
We have read the Home-School agreement and are happy to abide by the expectations of us.
Child’s signature: …………………………………… Date:………….
Parent signature: ………………………………… Date:………….
Please inform us, as above, about issues regarding the use of the internet or photos within school.
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